2024 - Embracing 'Shivot' as Our New Reality
A Sweet Blog...
From time to time, I write. Or I take pictures. I have started recording videos, more to push myself because I am uncomfortable in front of any camera. The views I express are random, subject to change, and though influenced by my experiences and environment, they are completely mine!
I hope you enjoy. Perhaps glean something useful. And as always, I do appreciate feedback. No, seriously, I really do! Most days...
Today in Brand History: Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM)
Today in Brand History: The United States Naval Academy
Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone
Engaging In Healthy Conflict
Why Do We Avoid Potential Conflict?
Embrace the Opportunity to Fail
Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.
Patience Is A Virtue
Don’t Let Process Cloud The Potential For Great Content
The Simplest of Gestures Can Have The Biggest Impact
In The Race To The Finish, You May Want To Slow Down
Not Making A Decision Is Making A Decision
The Value in “Getting To Know” vs “What I Know”
A Thought For 2019: It’s the Simple Things That Can Have the Greatest Impact
5 Things You Need To Own As A Leader
We May Embrace Diversity, But Do We Embrace "Diversity of Thought"?
Your "Status" As A Leader
What We Value Most In A Job Today: The 4 C's Beyond Title, Money, & Benefits