2024 - Embracing 'Shivot' as Our New Reality
A Sweet Blog...
From time to time, I write. Or I take pictures. I have started recording videos, more to push myself because I am uncomfortable in front of any camera. The views I express are random, subject to change, and though influenced by my experiences and environment, they are completely mine!
I hope you enjoy. Perhaps glean something useful. And as always, I do appreciate feedback. No, seriously, I really do! Most days...
Today in Brand History: 3M, Scotch Tape and Innovation
Today in Brand History: Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM)
Today in Brand History: Hewlett-Packard
Today in Brand History: Scotch Tape
Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone
The Mission Starts With Me
Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.
Patience Is A Virtue
Don’t Let Process Cloud The Potential For Great Content
The Simplest of Gestures Can Have The Biggest Impact
Everyone Has A Plan Until They Get Punched In The Mouth: The Punchline
Not Making A Decision Is Making A Decision
Diversity Matters: We Can Make A Difference If We Reach Beyond to Embrace It
5 Things You Need To Own As A Leader
Worth Remembering on Memorial Day
We May Embrace Diversity, But Do We Embrace "Diversity of Thought"?
Your "Status" As A Leader
The Power of Choice
What We Value Most In A Job Today: The 4 C's Beyond Title, Money, & Benefits