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A Sweet Blog...
From time to time, I write. Or I take pictures. I have started recording videos, more to push myself because I am uncomfortable in front of any camera. The views I express are random, subject to change, and though influenced by my experiences and environment, they are completely mine!
I hope you enjoy. Perhaps glean something useful. And as always, I do appreciate feedback. No, seriously, I really do! Most days...

Rich Honiball
Jan 64 min read
A New Year, A New Perspective: Redefining the Sunday Scaries
It’s the first Sunday of the new year - a time when many are still clinging to their holiday break, gearing up to return to work.

Rich Honiball
Sep 29, 20244 min read
Embracing Imperfection: Why It's OK to Not Be OK Sometimes (The Sunday Scaries)
I think it’s a sign of health to admit when we aren’t okay. It gives others the permission to do the same. It opens a door...

Rich Honiball
Sep 9, 20245 min read
Another Episode of the Sunday Scaries: Breaking the Algorithm.
It’s Sunday evening again, but this one feels different. Not in the usual "Sunday Scaries" way...

Rich Honiball
Aug 26, 20244 min read
Embracing the Sunday Scaries: A Reflection on Anxiety, Family, and Societal Expectations
It’s Sunday again. A familiar sensation settles in as the afternoon sun begins its descent—the Sunday Scaries.

Rich Honiball
Feb 8, 20244 min read
The A, B, C's of Modern Leadership
the A² + B² + C² Formula, a synergy of six pivotal qualities: Attitude, Agility, Boldness, Benevolence, Curiosity, and Collaboration.

Rich Honiball
Nov 16, 20234 min read
Filling One’s Life Bucket: A Journey from Dreams to Daily Fulfillment
When younger, I imagined the world through tales of grand adventure. Characters traveling to unseen lands, climbing towering peaks, or...

Rich Honiball
Oct 20, 20235 min read
The Art and Science of Success: Developing Critical Skills for Work and Life
Recently I was asked - would I rather have someone skilled in the 'art' or the 'science' in a given field? This question comes up often...

Rich Honiball
Aug 20, 20234 min read
Back to School: A Reading List
This week, my wife and I officially became "empty nesters." If you have been following my posts over the last couple of months on my...

Rich Honiball
Feb 24, 20213 min read
I’m not ok. And that’s ok…
I am sitting a local coffee shop, next to my daughter’s school. I just dropped her off and am grabbing a latte with skim milk and a...

Rich Honiball
Feb 15, 20212 min read
You Don't Know...
This month, I've been focusing on trying to approach every interaction with kindness. No, it doesn't mean I've gone soft or that I am...

Rich Honiball
Jan 19, 20213 min read
Words Matter
With all that surrounds us today, there is considerable debate about free speech, words and their impact, intended and unintended...

Rich Honiball
Dec 9, 20201 min read
Keep The Faith
A few weeks ago, my wife asked me why I was signing off these videos and even some of my emails with "Keep the faith!" Honestly, I...

Rich Honiball
Nov 1, 20201 min read
Win or Lose
I am not a "participation trophy" parent. I think we need to teach kids at an early age that winning doesn't mean you did your best, and...

Rich Honiball
Oct 30, 20205 min read
Reasons for Gratitude
gratitude [ grat-i-tood, -tyood ] noun the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful I have a confession to make. I am tired. Worn...

Rich Honiball
Oct 24, 20202 min read
A Simple Gesture, An Act of Kindness
I like to think of these simple gestures as "micro moments", extended from one to another in either a business or personal setting.

Rich Honiball
Sep 27, 20202 min read
Leading From Behind
...that is really what we strive for - as parents, managers, leaders - that the team is out in front making things happen.

Rich Honiball
Sep 21, 20203 min read
My Advice, Just Drink the Wine
Sounds catchy for a blog post, don't you think? I will admit, this past week was pretty challenging, a bit of a roller coaster ride. It...

Rich Honiball
Sep 9, 20208 min read
It's Time To Disrupt Your Algorithm
In today's virtually driven, socially fueled environment, we need to take the same actions...seeking a greater range diversity.

Rich Honiball
Sep 7, 20202 min read
This Labor Day, Be Thankful for your Team
...if we are ever going to get to the other side, to a good place, it will be a team effort, not an individual one

Rich Honiball
Sep 2, 20202 min read
Expand Your Perspective | Bust Your Algorithm
...if we truly want to broaden our point of view, our perspective of the world, we have to take responsibility to bust these algorithms
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