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  • Writer's pictureRich Honiball

Bravery Comes In Many Forms

My daughter's bus is long gone (for those keeping track). The “back up” ride to school with dad has now become a full-time occupation. If I am being honest, I am not complaining at all, I actually look forward to it (don’t tell my wife, I am trying to play off of her sympathy).

I get the chance to see our daughter at her best, at her worst, and everything in between. Sometimes we have deep conversations, sometimes we sit in silence and contemplate the day ahead. Days like today, I get to see her bravery.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately. When we hear the word bravery, we likely have images of a first-responder rushing to the scene, our military men and women fighting for freedom, someone in the middle of an act of heroism.

Having been part of the military community for almost five years, this is absolutely accurate. If you don’t believe so, let me introduce you to some of the finest individuals I have ever had the privilege of meeting.

Sometimes though, the greatest acts of bravery go completely unnoticed. A person getting out of bed, fighting anxiety, but getting dressed, ready and out the door. A person stepping up to take on a new challenge, facing adversity, but knowing that we cannot fail. A person fighting stress and fatigue yet lacing up her sneakers and powering through a work out to see a better version of herself at the other end of sixty minutes. A person stepping away from a twenty-year career, to spend time with her children, appreciating what is most important in life.

In the last twenty-four hours, I’ve seen all of these.

We see heroes in the news, we see “heroes” on the screen, but we pass by heroes every day in our lives without even realizing it.

For each of you stepping up in ways unseen, thank you. Today, that is my inspiration.

Make it a great day!


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